My Experience with Wine!

     Wine has always been a staple for my family growing up. Whether it be watching my parents have a glass of wine at dinner as a kid or actually being able to visit wineries and try wine for myself, I have grown to enjoy drinking it! I must admit, the first few glasses of wine I drank were mainly the cheap moscato, it went down the easiest. But as I have become more experienced with wine, I have expanded my pallet to a variety of wines. I enjoy the smoother blends and dislike the dryer wines. Champagne and prosecco is always a staple!

    My parents are wine fanatics, they have been all over the west coast to luxury wineries so I have graciously been able to try the expensive wines that they brought back with them. I think that is what sparked my enjoyment for wine. Whenever I visit home from college we have a glass of wine with dinner, depending on the meal. My favorite is Italian food with a glass of red! 

    Ever since I have turned of age, my friends and I have enjoyed going to wineries, not only for the great wine but also for the ambiance that wineries have. I am excited to learn the nitty gritty facts about wine and to expand my wine pallet even more. I think I am most interested in being able to pick up on specific flavors of each wine, and hopefully being able to decipher between the grapes! 


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